Die Unternehmensgeschichte
Produkte und Unternehmensidee der MVG® Mathé Schmierstofftechnik GmbH basieren auf den Ideen und Entwicklungen des österreichischen Rennfahrers und Konstrukteurs Otto Mathé.
1930 – 1956
The Austrian universal technician and racing driver Otto Mathé developed oil additives that were already a real insider tip in racing circles at the time. Otto Mathé was a pioneer of lubricant technology and, with his commitment, a great role model for Niki Lauda.
Mit Hilfe seiner Öl-Additive fuhr Otto Mathé He went from victory to victory in his home-built vehicles with Prosche engines, although the engines in his vehicles were usually far inferior to the factory racing cars. Even back then, the significantly increased stability and torsional rigidity of his engines thanks to his oil additives was a key to his success.
Niki Lauda, former Formula 1 world champion, said in an interview: "Otto Mathé I adored him even as a little boy. I admired his cars and how he raced with just one arm!".
Otto Mathé's name was mentioned in the same breath as Juan Manuel Fangio and Rudolf Caracciola called. In 1952, the winner was Otto Mathé in 20 starts in 20 races and became Austrian national champion. One of his greatest successes was third place in the 1953 German Grand Prix at the Nürburgring. Ahead of him were only Juan Manuel Fangiothe world champion, and former world champion Dr. Farina. In order to properly appreciate this performance and the will to succeed and win that characterized him, you have to know that not only was the rated power of his engine significantly lower than that of his competitors, but that he also had to ride with one arm! His right arm had been paralyzed since his accident in a sand track race in 1934.

from 1950
Initially in parallel with his sporting activities and later exclusively, the Otto Mathé with the oil additives he had developed. To this end, he founded the company Otto Mathé, Specialty Lubricants.
Zeit seines Lebens entwickelte er seine Öl-Additive immer weiter; sie stellten stets das tribologisch optimal Machbare da. Seiner Maxime, die jeweils handelsüblichen Motoren- und Getriebeöle durch seine MATHÉ additives He has always remained true to his goal of optimizing the product for the benefit of the user or end consumer. MATHÉ additives have always increased the performance of engine and transmission oils in such a way that wear and engine stress have been reduced to a minimum, which in turn has considerably increased load capacity and durability!

Dierk Müllera longtime classic car enthusiast and active and committed participant and organizer of classic car rallies for decades, came into contact with the MATHÉ-Additiven. The background to this was a "breakdown" to his 300 SL Gullwing Mercedes, which forced him to take part in the club's annual meeting without a suitable car. Said club friend (Dr. Klaus Räker from Lemgo; also a classic car fan and Porsche specialist) only said at the time: "If you had MATHÉ, this would not have happened to your engine!“.
Wieder Zuhause angekommen, startete Dierk Müller mit der Recherche nach MATHÉ-Additiven and contacting Otto Mathé. First the MATHÉ additives on one of his classic cars and then gradually equipped the entire classic car collection with it. All the classic cars showed better starting behavior, more revving, less wear, fewer deposits and there is no more "standstill damage" to this day!

The entrepreneur Dierk Müller puts its entire group of companies on the Mathé lubricant technology and achieves considerable savings and increases in productivity by extending the oil change and lubrication intervals for vehicles and stationary units.
In the same year Dierk Müller as an entrepreneur the Mathé-Additive Vertriebs GmbH and begins the Mathé additives and lubricant technology as a general importer on the German market.

The Mathé-Additive Vertriebs GmbH is incorporated into today's MVG® Mathé-Schmierstofftechnik GmbH and the entrepreneur Dierk Müller takes over the complete succession of Otto Mathé and takes over the production and worldwide distribution of the Mathé additives including all necessary rights and recipes.
1992 – 1994
Dierk Müller beauftragt im Namen der MVG® Mathé-Schmierstofftechnik GmbH führende Tribulogen in Zusammenarbeit mit seinem Spezialistenteam die bestehenden Produkte zu optimieren und neue Öl-Additive in Abstimmung zu den aktuellen Motoren- und Getriebeölen zu entwickeln.
Diese Form der Produktweiterentwicklung wird bis heute kontinuierlich beibehalten!
The MVG® Mathé-Schmierstofftechnik GmbH is launching the new brand as part of its internationalization strategy. MATHY® in. From this point onwards, all products for classic and vintage cars are marketed under the MATHÈ® and the additives for the respective current engines or machines and engine or transmission oils under the brand MATHY®.
1994 – 1996
The MVG® Mathé-Schmierstofftechnik GmbH ist der erste Additiv- bzw. Schmierstoffhersteller, der den TÜV mit einer Produktprüfung und –zertifizierung beauftragt.
Nach einer fast zweijährigen Prüfung erhalten die Produkte MATHY®-M, MATHY®-F und MATHY®-T vom TÜV North (at that time still TÜV Hannover / Saxony-Anhalt) the Test seal.
The products of the MVG® Mathé-Schmierstofftechnik GmbH have since been repeatedly tested and certified by various institutes such as RW TÜV Essen, TÜV Nord Hannover, DEKRA Umwelt GmbH and TÜV Nord Essen.
The regular product tests and certifications have now become a tradition at the company. MVG® Mathé-Schmierstofftechnik GmbH until today!
The Mathé products for classic and vintage cars are improved and sold under the label Mathé® Classic introduced to the market.
MATHY® and MATHÉ® Classic go online.
The MATHY® product range wird um spezielle Produkte für Industrie und Gewerbe erweitert. Hier steht besonders die Steigerung der Wirtschaftlichkeit von Motoren und Maschinen im Vordergrund. Unter anderem stehen Produkte für neue umweltfreundliche Energieproduzenten wie z.B. Windkrafträder und Blockheizkraftwerke im Fokus.
Es kommen die Produkte MATHY®-Industry, MATHY® WKA ISO VG 320, MATHY® WKA Lube 320 and MATHY® Plus-DA on the market.
2003 – 2004
The MVG® Mathé-Schmierstofftechnik GmbH is significantly expanding its customer service and completely restructuring its advertising materials. For the first time, information documents are available separately for private customers and trade/industry.
The MVG® Mathé-Schmierstofftechnik GmbH entscheidet einen Wechsel in der Vertriebsstrategie und beendet dafür seine langjährige Zusammenarbeit mit dem TV Shopping Sender HSE24.
Dort wurden MATHY® products For 15 years in over 400 live broadcasts and well over 1,000 repeat broadcasts of Dierk Müller and his team and sold them. This counted MATHY® one of the most successful and longest-standing products at HSE24.
2009 – 2010
The MVG® Mathé-Schmierstofftechnik GmbH is completely revamping its website and gearing it towards its target groups.
The MVG® Mathé-Schmierstofftechnik GmbH entwickelt in der Sparte seiner Heizöl-Additive zwei neue Produkte und wird diese noch in der zweiten Jahreshälfte in den deutschen Markt einführen.
Parallel hierzu ist die Entwicklung neuer Kraftstoff-Additive weit fort geschritten.
Die MVG entwickelt Kraftstoffzusätze mit hoher Wirksamkeit und einfacher Anwendung durch die einmalige Zugabe zum Tank: MATHY-D, MATHY-DF, MATHY-BE und MATHY-BD.
Für das Label Chromjuwelen entwickelt die MVG die Oldie- und Youngtimeröle Mathé für Chromjuwelen (in SAE 15W-40 und SAE 20W-50). Die Produkte sind spezifisch auf Fahrzeuge im Saisonbetrieb und langen Standzeiten zugeschnitten.