Less soot and less fuel consumption

For clean combustion of the heating oil

MATHY SPEZIAL-H is a highly effective heating oil additive whose modern active components can be used to save energy sustainably in a wide range of applications. It meets all the requirements of the latest burner technologies and is therefore suitable for all heating oil qualities (standard and low-sulphur). MATHY SPEZIAL-H turns any standard heating oil into a premium heating oil, which places less strain on the heating system and provides lasting protection. The improvement in thermal stability optimizes combustion and improves exhaust gas values.

The most frequently asked questions about the use of heating oil

If a burner is sooting, there is a malfunction. MATHY SPEZIAL-H counteracts the causes of soot formation and dissolves existing soot deposits, as it cleans both the combustion chamber and the combustion mechanism. Soot deposits on the boiler wall increase fuel oil consumption - 1 mm of soot deposit increases fuel oil consumption by an average of 4 %. MATHY SPEZIAL-H reduces soot formation to a minimum, which means that less soot can be deposited. The heat generated can be transferred unhindered to the heating water, which reduces heating oil consumption in the long term. The MATHY SPEZIAL-H additive package burns ash-free and therefore meets the requirements of the latest burner and boiler technologies. MATHY SPEZIAL-H was specially developed for modern, low-sulphur EL heating oil grades. TÜV NORD has tested the product and MATHY SPEZIAL-H has been awarded the test mark "Protection of the heating oil system proven - test object: additive for EL heating oil".

The use of MATHY SPEZIAL-H saves more than it costs. Exemplary calculation: As of 01/2017 2,000 liters of low-sulfur heating oil = 1,350.00 EUR with only 5 % savings = 67.50 EUR minus 1 liter MATHY SPEZIAL-H = - 22.95 EUR. Net saving = 44.55 EUR. The net saving is therefore considerably higher than the cost price for MATHY SPEZIAL-H.
MATHY SPEZIAL-H is cheaper than blending from the tanker. Exemplary calculation: As of 01/2017 2,000 liters of low-sulphur heating oil = 1,350.00 EUR. Addition from the tanker directly approx. 0.02 € / liter = 40.00 EUR. Total price = 1,390.00 EUR. 2,000 liters of low-sulphur heating oil = 1,350.00 EUR. Add 1 liter MATHY SPEZIAL-H = 22.95 EUR Total price = 1,372.95 EUR. Direct purchase savings per 2,000 liters of heating oil of € 17.05 with MATHY SPEZIAL-H.

Can be used in heating systems of all types, including yellow, blue and shell burners (oil furnaces) and pre-evaporators. Recommended for low-sulphur EL heating oil, also with a low bio content, and standard heating oil. MATHY SPEZIAL-H is completely oil-soluble, effective in any EL heating oil, can be used in all heating systems and is material-compatible.

The content of one bottle of MATHY SPEZIAL-H is sufficient for 2,000 liters of heating oil. (Mixing ratio 1 : 2,000 = 1 liter additive to 2,000 liters of heating oil) Addition ideal when filling the heating oil tank, but also possible during operation.

Our problem solvers in the heating oil sector